What Is Reciprocating Gait Orthosis?

Michael Godwin orthotist
Michael Godwin orthotist

A certified prosthetist and orthotist in Glenolden, PA, Michael Godwin practices at the Hanger Clinic in Philadelphia, PA, where he is responsible for fitting and designing artificial limbs and braces for individual patients, customizing each system to fit their needs. Michael Godwin of Glenolden, PA, is skilled in new prosthetic innovation and design, and keeps up to date on the latest orthotic technology and design developments, such as devices that help improve a patient’s mobility or stability.

An RGO (reciprocating gait orthosis) is a specialized device that essentially reciprocates a user’s gait. For instance, when an adult male has RGO attached to his legs, the device facilitates the extension of his left hip as he flexes his right hip, providing stability for standing and walking without assistance. Individuals who can’t walk properly due to some forms of paralysis can improve their level of mobility with a reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO).

People who have developed compromised gaits due to conditions such as muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and cerebral palsy can benefit from RGO, which improves their gait. RGO serves as a tool for enhancing mobility and is not a treatment for paralysis. These devices can be fabricated from various materials, including plastics, carbon composites, and alloys.

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